Seminars and short courses RSS feed

Seminars, for informal dissemination of research results, exploratory work by research teams, outreach activities, etc., constitute the simplest form of meetings at a Mathematics research centre.

CAMGSD has recorded the calendar of its seminars for a long time, this page serving both as a means of public announcement of forthcoming activities but also as a historic record.

For a full search interface see the Mathematics Department seminar page.

Europe/Lisbon —

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Geometria em Lisboa

Nick Sheridan, University of Edinburgh.

When M is a Fano variety and D is an anticanonical divisor in M, mirror symmetry suggests that the quantum cohomology of M should be a deformation of the symplectic cohomology of M \ D. We prove that this holds under even weaker hypotheses on D (although not in general), and explain the consequences for mirror symmetry. We also explain how our methods give rise to interesting symplectic rigidity results for subsets of M. Along the way we hope to give a brief introduction to Varolgunes’ relative symplectic cohomology, which is the key technical tool used to prove our symplectic rigidity results, but which is of far broader significance in symplectic topology and mirror symmetry as it makes the computation of quantum cohomology “local”. This is joint work with Strom Borman, Mohamed El Alami, and Umut Varolgunes.

Current funding: FCT UIDB/04459/2020 & FCT UIDP/04459/2020.

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