Seminars and short courses RSS feed

Seminars, for informal dissemination of research results, exploratory work by research teams, outreach activities, etc., constitute the simplest form of meetings at a Mathematics research centre.

CAMGSD has recorded the calendar of its seminars for a long time, this page serving both as a means of public announcement of forthcoming activities but also as a historic record.

For a full search interface see the Mathematics Department seminar page.

Europe/Lisbon —

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Geometria em Lisboa

Leander Stecker, Instituto Superior Técnico.

We introduce the classical results of de Rham and Berger on the holonomy of a Riemannian manifold. We compare these to the situation of parallel skew-torsion, where we obtain Riemannian submersions from reducible holonomy. *If time permits I will give an introduction to 3-$(\alpha, \delta)$-Sasaki manifolds and their submersion onto quaternionic Kähler manifolds.

Europe/Lisbon —

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Topological Quantum Field Theory

Inbar Klang, Vrije University Amsterdam.

I will give an introduction to factorization homology using configuration spaces, and discuss the nonabelian Poincaré duality theorem of Segal, Salvatore, Lurie, and Ayala–Francis​, which relates factorization homology to mapping spaces. Time permitting, I will also talk about the Ayala–Francis axiomatic approach to factorization homology, which positions factorization homology as a "homology theory for manifolds."

Europe/Lisbon —

String Theory

Joris Raeymaekers, Czech Academy of Sciences.

Superconformal ‘type B’ quantum mechanical sigma models arise in a variety of interesting contexts, such as the description of D-brane bound states in an $AdS_2$ decoupling limit. Focusing on $N= 2B$ models, we study superconformal indices which count short multiplets and provide an alternative to the standard Witten index, as the latter suffers from infrared issues. We show that the basic index receives contributions from lowest Landau level states in an effective magnetic field and that, due to the noncompactness of the target space, it is typically divergent. Fortunately, the models of interest possess an additional target space isometry which allows for the definition of a well-behaved refined index. We compute this index using localization of the functional integral and find that the result agrees with a naive application of the Atiyah-Bott fixed point formula outside of it’s starting assumptions. In the simplest examples, this formula can also be directly verified by explicitly computing the short multiplet spectrum.

Europe/Lisbon —

Room P3.10, Mathematics Building Instituto Superior Técnico

Lisbon WADE — Webinar in Analysis and Differential Equations

Mariusz Mirek, Rutgers University.

This will be a survey talk about recent progress on norm and pointwise convergence problems for classical and multiple ergodic averages along polynomial orbits. A celebrated theorem of Szemeredi asserts that every subset of integers with nonvanishing upper Banach density contains arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions. We will discuss the significance of using ergodic theory and Fourier analysis in solving this problem. We will also explain how this problem led to the conjecture of Furstenberg-Bergelson-Leibman, which is a major open problem in pointwise ergodic theory. Relations with number theory and additive combinatorics will be also discussed.

Europe/Lisbon —

Topological Quantum Field Theory

Pranav Pandit, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research.

I will describe a map that associates to every deformation of an object in a higher category a collection of generalized symmetries of the object. Building on work by Lurie, we will see that the failure of this map to be an equivalence can be quantified. Under favorable circumstances, the map is an equivalence, and this leads to an explicit description of the space of deformations in terms of solutions to certain equations. I will discuss applications of these results to topological field theory and holomorphic symplectic geometry. This talk is based on joint work with Bhanu Kiran.