Seminars, for informal dissemination of research results, exploratory work by research teams, outreach activities, etc., constitute the simplest form of meetings at a Mathematics research centre.
CAMGSD has recorded the calendar of its seminars for a long time, this page serving both as a means of public announcement of forthcoming activities but also as a historic record.
The geometry, topology and intersection theory of moduli spaces of stable vector bundles on curves have been topics of interest for more than 50 years. In the 90s, Jeffrey and Kirwan managed to prove a formula proposed by Witten for the intersection numbers of tautological classes on such moduli spaces. In this talk, I will explain a different way to calculate those numbers and, more generally, intersection numbers on moduli of parabolic bundles. Enriching the problem with a parabolic structure gives access to powerful tools, such as wall-crossing, Hecke transforms and Weyl symmetry. If time allows, I will explain how this approach gives a new proof of (a generalization to the parabolic setting of) a vanishing result conjectured by Newstead and proven by Earl and Kirwan.
We present some recent results on the asymptotic behavior of almost periodic solutions to stochastic conservation laws and, more generally, degenerate parabolic-hyperbolic equations. Two types if stochastic perturbations are considered: forcing and rough-flux. The part concerning the forcing stochastic source is from joint works with Claudia Espitia and Daniel Marroquin. The part concerning stochastic rough-flux is from a joint project with Rui Jin Yachun Li and João Nariyoshi.