Seminars, for informal dissemination of research results, exploratory work by research teams, outreach activities, etc., constitute the simplest form of meetings at a Mathematics research centre.
CAMGSD has recorded the calendar of its seminars for a long time, this page serving both as a means of public announcement of forthcoming activities but also as a historic record.
I will review the notion of a topological (or gapped) domain wall between topological quantum field theories and illustrate an equivalence between domain walls and oplax natural transformations. I will show how this provides a reformulation of Lurie's cobordism hypothesis with singularities.
Since a Riemannian manifold is locally similar to the Euclidean space, it is easy to see that isoperimetric sets of small volume in such a manifold are very close to balls, and in particular they are connected. Much less is known for the case of minimal clusters. In this talk, we will describe the general situation and we will present a recent result showing that also small minimal clusters are connected if the ambient space is a compact Riemannian manifold. In addition, we will discuss also the situation for Finsler manifolds, showing that a small minimal m-cluster can have at most m connected components. While it might seem reasonable that also in this case small minimal clusters are connected, we will present an example showing that this is not true. We will conclude by listing some open problems. (Most of the presented results are based on joint works with D. Carazzato and S. Nardulli).
Room 3.08, Building 6, Gualtar Campus, University of MinhoInstituto Superior Técnico
In this talk we will discuss recent advancements on $G_2$-instantons on 7-dimensional 2-step nilpotent Lie groups endowed with a left-invariant coclosed $G_2$-structures. I will present necessary and sufficient conditions for the characteristic connection of the $G_2$-structure to be an instanton, in terms of the torsion of the $G_2$-structure, the torsion of the connection and the Lie group structure. These conditions allow to show that the metrics corresponding to the $G_2$-instantons define a naturally reductive structure on the simply connected 2-step nilpotent Lie group with left-invariant Riemannian metric. This is a joint work with Andrew Clarke and Andrés Moreno.
Room 3.08, Building 6, Gualtar Campus, University of MinhoInstituto Superior Técnico
The classical non-abelian Hodge Correspondence is a gauge-theoretic construction that has allowed for the use of complex geometric methods in the study of representations of the fundamental group of a closed surface. The conformal limit was introduced by Gaiotto as a parameterized variation of this classical correspondence. In this talk, we will explore how, in the case of representations into $\operatorname{SL}(2,\mathbb{C})$, this limit is related to complex projective structures. We will also use this relation to further our geometric understanding of the limiting process. This is joint work with Peter B. Gothen.
Room 3.08, Building 6, Gualtar Campus, University of MinhoInstituto Superior Técnico
In the present talk I will introduce a new class of almost contact metric manifolds, called anti-quasi-Sasakian (aqS for short). They are non-normal almost contact metric manifolds $(M, φ, ξ, η, g)$, locally fibering along the 1-dimensional foliation generated by $ξ$ onto Kähler manifolds endowed with a closed 2-form of type $(2,0)$. Various examples of anti-quasi-Sasakian manifolds will be provided, including compact nilmanifolds, $\mathbb{S}^1$-bundles and manifolds admitting a $\operatorname{Sp}(n) × \{1\}$-reduction of the structural group of the frame bundle. Then, I will discuss some geometric obstructions to the existence of aqS structures, mainly related to curvature and topological properties. In particular, I will focus on compact manifolds endowed with aqS structures of maximal rank, showing that they cannot be homogeneous and they must satisfy some restrictions on the Betti numbers. This is based on joint works with Giulia Dileo (Bari) and Ivan Yudin (Coimbra).
Room 3.08, Building 6, Gualtar Campus, University of MinhoInstituto Superior Técnico
We consider and resolve the gap problem for global automorphisms of complex or real parabolic geometries. Concretely, the automorphism group of a parabolic geometry of type $(G, P)$ is largest for the flat model $G/P$. The symmetry dimension is maximal in this case and is equal to $\operatorname{dim} G$. We prove that the next realizable, so-called submaximal dimension of the automorphism group of a $(G, P)$ type geometry is the dimension of a (specific) maximal parabolic subgroup in G. We also discuss maximal and submaximal dimensions of the automorphism group of compact models and provide several examples. Joint work with B. Kruglikov.