Prof. Carlos Rocha, president of the centre from 1997 until 2020,  talks about Mathematics, Associate Laboratories and CAMGSD (in Portuguese).


The Centre for Mathematical Analysis, Geometry, and Dynamical Systems was established in 1991. It is a research and scientific training unit developing its activity in mathematics with special emphasis on the aspects of nonlinear analysis, dynamical systems, geometry, and topology occurring in connection with areas relevant for several fields in science, engineering and applications.

It is a goal of the Centre to invest in the development of research and post-graduate training in these areas through postdoctoral and visiting faculty appointments, as well as fellowships and assistantships for graduate students, and the conditions for research activities of its members at high international level. The Centre’s activities include a postdoctoral training program; a visitors program; weekly seminars; workshops; tutorials and summer schools targeted at advanced PhD students and post-doctoral fellows.


The Centre is administered by an Executive Comission whose current president is Professor Pedro Resende.

Advisory Board

The scientific Advisory Board includes Professors Bernold Fiedler, Freie Universität Berlin, Victor Guillemin, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and David Kinderlehrer, Carnegie Mellon University. Previous members include George Sell, University of Minnesota, and Jack Hale, Georgia Tech.

Institutional setting

The host institution for CAMGSD is Instituto Superior Técnico, where it occupies a significant part of the Mathematics building.

CAMGSD was funded, from 2011 to 2015, through the Associate Laboratory Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas em Engenharia e Ciência — LARSyS. LARSyS decided to present itself to the R&D Unit evaluation organized by FCT in late  2013 reconfigured as a research network in the scientific area of Engeneering. CAMGSD decided to present itself to the evaluation autonomously in the area of Mathematics.


CAMGSD is mainly funded by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Projects UIDB/04459/2020 and UIDP/04459/2020) as a result of periodic evaluations (2017/2018) by panels of international experts.


The CAMGSD logo in vector formats is available for inclusion in material relative to its activities under the usual conditions for such logos.

There are two logo variants:

Current funding: FCT UIDB/04459/2020 & FCT UIDP/04459/2020.

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