Summer School in String Theory and Holography
Lisbon/Porto, 14 - 26 July, 2014
The String Theory and Holography Summer School is a joint school of The String Theory Universe (COST), HoloGrav (ESF) and GATIS (ITN) networks.
The School is divided in two weeks, starting in Lisbon in the week of 14-18 July with lectures on the subject of Gauge/Gravity Duality.
In the second week of 21-26 July the school moves to Porto, where the Mathematica Summer School on Theoretical Physics will take place under the theme of Selected Topics in Holography.
Miguel Costa, João Penedones, Gabriel Lopes Cardoso, Michele Cirafici.
Scientific Committee
Anna Ceresole, Johanna Erdmenger, Nick Evans, Jerome Gauntlett, Nikolay Gromov, Elias Kiritsis, Yolanda Lozano, Silvia Penati, Volker Schomerus, Pedro Vieira.
The previous text reproduces part of the home page for this meeting which is not locally hosted.
Below you will find the schedule for the Gauge/Gravity Duality lectures which take place at CAMGSD, IST, Lisbon.
Seg, 14 Jul 2014 | Ter, 15 Jul 2014 | Qua, 16 Jul 2014 | Qui, 17 Jul 2014 | Sex, 18 Jul 2014 | |
09:00 |
Registration |
Arthur Lipstein |
Aristos Donos |
Michal P. Heller |
Stefano Cremonesi |
09:30 |
Aristos Donos |
10:30 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
11:00 |
Gabriele Travaglini |
Aristos Donos |
Michal P. Heller |
Erik Tonni |
Michal P. Heller |
12:00 |
Lunch |
Discussion |
12:30 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
Discussion |
13:00 |
Lunch |
Lunch |
14:00 |
Erik Tonni |
15:00 |
Gabriele Travaglini |
Arthur Lipstein |
Stefano Cremonesi |
Erik Tonni |
15:30 |
Soft skills |
16:30 |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
Coffee |
17:00 |
Discussion |
Discussion |
Stefano Cremonesi |
Óscar Dias |
Discussion |
18:00 |
Reception |