Mini-meeting on Higher Structures and Applications

In this 2-day mini-meeting, members of the FCT-funded project Higher Structures and Applications (PTDC/MAT-PUR/31089/2017) will be explaining aspects of their research to each other and to anyone else interested, in short presentations with plenty of room for discussion.


Mathematics Department at Intituto Superior Técnico, Room P3.31 on Tuesday and Room P3.10 on Wednesday.

Tue, 5 Nov 2019Wed, 6 Nov 2019

11:30 — 12:30

Marco Mackaay
Universidade do Algarve
$2$-Representation theory

14:00 — 14:30

John Huerta
Instituto Superior Técnico
Higher structures on supermanifolds

14:30 — 15:00

Manuel Araújo
Instituto Superior Técnico
Coherence for $3$-dualizable objects

15:30 — 16:00

Roger Picken
Instituto Superior Técnico
Research topics in higher gauge theory, knot theory, and anyons

16:00 — 16:30

João Esteves
Instituto Superior Técnico
A quantization of the Loday-Ronco Hopf algebra

Aleksandar Mikovic
Universidade Lusófona
Categorification of LQG spin-network basis

16:30 — 17:00

Pedro Brito
Instituto Superior Técnico
Galois symmetries in geometry

17:00 — 17:30

Pedro Lopes
Instituto Superior Técnico
Research topics in persistent tangles and hyperfinite knots

Final discussion of project members

17:30 — 18:00

Marko Stosic
Instituto Superior Técnico
On Colored HOMFLY homology

Current funding: FCT UIDB/04459/2020 & FCT UIDP/04459/2020.

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